Saturday, June 25, 2011

This was a commission that I recently did. After a round of sketches the client decided that they wanted to go with a couple of China inspired landscapes. I did another round of sketches and these are three sketches from the group. They decided to go with the first two sketches in the color of the third.

Here are the finals. I tried to keep them really simple, I wanted a grand yet serene feel to them.


BaronHaynes said...

Gorgeous, I love the sense of scale in them, especially considering their simplicity.

Jérémie Decalf said...

very nice and serene work indeed!

Anonymous said...

your work is lovely, and i cant help but compare it to this both in style and concept: serenity, grandness, lonliness...

pete ryan said...


Victo Ngai said...

Beaut!! Digging how your triangle mountains evolve.